Heading Tags for SEO

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Girl pointing at a computer screen

Heading Tags for SEO (complete manual)

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What are SEO HTML Heading tags?

Heading tags are HTML elements used on web pages. Headings are defined in descending order from <h1> to <h6>, with <h1> being the most important. Typically, <h1> tags have the largest style on the page, followed by <h2> tags and so on.

What is an <h1> heading tag?

An <h1> tag is the highest level of the HTML Section Heading element. In the SEO world, the <h1> tag is the most important and indicates the topic of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Heading Tags

There are several questions that constantly come up when talking to clients about heading tags. Let's go through them.

How many <h1> tags should a web page have?

Ideally, you should use only one <h1> tag per page. Google says there is no limit:

How many h1-tags should be used on a single webpage? Only one? Answer: As many as you want. John Muller

However, for various reasons (e.g., accessibility), it is a practical tip to use only one. You should also use the <h1> tag to define the topic of the page.

So aim for one, but don't worry about being "penalized" by Google if you have more than one.

Does Google use Heading tags in SEO?

Yes, Google uses headings to better understand pages. As mentioned by John Muller below, it is, however, one of many ranking factors.

If you have been using them properly, I would definitely keep them there. And it’s something kind of, I don’t know, like a really small and soft factor when it comes to understanding pages a bit better. John Muller

How to create the perfect SEO heading tags

There are several practical tips you should follow when using heading tags on your website. Let's go through them.

Try to use only one <h1> per web page

The <h1> tag is of great importance for SEO, and you should strive to include one per web page.

Avoid sending mixed signals to search engines by including multiple <h1> tags.

Headings should contain your keywords

Wherever possible, your headings should include your main keyword and other relevant keywords for which you want to rank the page on Google.

Avoid stuffing your headings with keywords. Heading tags are designed to enhance the user experience, not hinder it.

Divide content with <h2> and <h3>

Break up large chunks of text by including relevant subheadings with <h2> and use <h3> tags for nested headings.

Don't skip a level, for example, jumping from <h1> to <h3>.

Examples of Optimized Heading tags

Let's look at some good and bad examples of <h1> heading tags to give you a better understanding of some of the concepts mentioned above.

Example One: Real Estate

If you're optimizing a page to rank for "Homes for sale in Dubai".




<h1>Find homes for sale in Dubai, South Holland</h1>

Example Two: Professional Services

If you're optimizing a page to rank for "Accounting in Dubai".




<h1>Accounting services located in Dubai, South Holland</h1>

I hope this guide helps you understand heading tags for SEO.

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